For me, it's guite embarrassing to talk about the best advice be given by my best friend, because of her advice, I broke up with my exboyfriend. This is one of the most important advice to change my life almostly.
8 years ago, I and he had been together for a year, I was a master curriculum student, he was a students teacher in primary school and urged to be a qualified teacher, but we separated in different places, so we just met every weekend. There are two kinds of life between us, because of his busy internship, he was too tired to talk with and care about me, I realized he didn't cherish our relationship gradually, even he said still love me so much, and complain of me not understand what he were busy for, we started to argue seriously more and more. One day, we fell out again, I was very sad and crying to call my best friend, she knew the problem between us, she thought his attitude won't change back, it was the time to leave him, if I didn't want to fell heartbroken again. She told me:" you are unhappy in the relationship, you should go away, just let him to do what he want to".
After I broke up with him, soon, he met his true love, his wife. I think I made the right decision in that time. Because of the decision, the advice, change my whole life: I met my husband who is studying in Loughborough University, so I come to the UK living for a while that I haven't thought of before I graduated from the university, learn English in Nottingham, and write the article in the blogger here.
Wow - life changing advice Bae! Good for us that you followed it too because it meant you got to come and study with us in Notts! =)